6 MORE elementary to pre-intermediate conversation exercises (some business related)
Plus more AI exploration and tips
NOTE: All exercises and audio files can be downloaded in a zip file at the bottom of the page.
The 6 topics include:
1 Asking for prices in a gift shop
2 Describing a new product (earbuds)
3 Quantifiers for colleagues
4 Quantifiers for friends
5 Invitations between friends
6 Bargaining
1 Asking prices in a gift shop
I think this is a great topic. A conversation exercise in a gift shop creates a big opening for student improvisation. I have plans for adding visual worksheets and videos for many of these conversation exercises (when I get time).
2 Describing a new product (earbuds)
OK, I started to make this conversation about smart phones. But, when I came back to it later. I thought, “This is so boring!”. And my AI assistant made a conversation about earbuds. OMG! Of course, I love earbuds! It’s a great topic right now.
3 Quantifiers for office colleagues
I think it’s possible now to quickly create conversations for every language topic or grammar function. This one focuses on quantifiers. Oh yes, and it’s interesting playing with English accents.