Note: paid subscribers can now find links to customized GPTs used to create the exercises (you need to be a subscriber to GPT 4). And paid subscribers can download the complete lessons with answers to all exercises and all the materials (audio and video) at the end of the post.
1 Cybersecurity vocabulary
I’m surprised I didn’t do this topic before. In fact, I’m wondering why I didn’t do this topic before!! It’s an important topic. It’s also interesting and engaging. I think it’s because I didn’t have a GPT4 assistant and it seemed daunting. I should also note that the GPTs for creating lessons are continually being edited, fine-tuned and updated. They’re getting quite impressive (in my opinion). I’ll include links to two at the end of the post for paid subscribers and users of GPT4.
2 Cybersecurity dialogue
These days it’s so much easier to create a range of activities for each topic. Below is a dialogue/listening exercise.
3 Cybersecurity conversational questions
These conversational questions were also created with the assistance of a fine-tuned GPT. I have an online student who needs conversational questions. Sometimes I have a last minute idea about a topic and I can create several sets of extremely customized questions in 5 minutes. The 2 sets of questions below are just variations on the topic of cybersecurity/online security.
4 Cybersecurity wrap (listening/speaking)
This is another cybersecurity exercise and a format that works well to end a class. One of my joys in using a GPT is training it to create a formatted word bank!
5 New Year vocabulary
Actually, these activities were mainly created to test the effectiveness of GPTs.