1 Expressing opinions about cities
This is a vocabulary and opinion exercise for talking about cities. For these 4 “expressing opinions exercises”, students complete the sentences with the vocabulary at the bottom of the page. Then they agree/disagree with the statements and give their reasons.
2 Travel and culture
This worked well in the classroom with a high elementary to pre-intermediate class of 50 students.
3 Viruses and vaccines
I teach English to pharmacy students. But, of course, I realized it’s useful for all students.
4 Shopping
Actually, this was supposed to be for fairly elementary level students, but the higher level students seemed to enjoy it too.
5 Shopping and fashion brainstorm
Just an older exercise, that has been edited and improved. After using some of these exercises in the classroom many times, you always see little things that can greatly improve an activity.
6 Travel rating exercise
Another improved exercise.