Functions of the brain (updated)
Video, audio and worksheets for discussing the functions of the brain
Note: all files can be downloaded in the zip file at the bottom of the page.
1 Functions of the brain
This is a great topic as is it can lead in many directions. It’s great for a general language learning discussion class. It’s especially good for medical sciences. And it’s also related to technology, as technology increasingly tries to simulate the brain. Moreover, it’s a great topic if you’re interested in multiple intelligences, as you can learn about your students’ ideas about their skills and abilities. I’ve used these exercises with a number of classes ranging from elementary to intermediate and have included both an easier worksheet and a harder one.
2 Functions of the brain vocabulary introduction
This was just created as a way to introduce some brain-related vocabulary.
3 Icebreaker
This is just an easy icebreaker to get the class going.